Thursday, June 18, 2015

85 Days!

Wow, today I did a little work towards Gypsy Soiree III (yes...#3 already!) and realized that it's only 85 days away!

I updated the Donation Ideas page with ideas for your donations, and there's a link at the bottom where you can print the list out to carry with you.  

Garage sales are an EXCELLENT way to stretch your donation dollars.  Be sure to look through the "free" boxes people put out too, because I've found some fabulous items in them.  Often times there will be small toys or free baby clothes that might just need washed.  

It looks like we might have LIVE music this year, and that'll be fun.  I have a few other grand ideas in mind that I'm working on, of course I can't spill all the beans.

If you want to bring friends along, maybe let them know about it now so they can put it on their calendar.  It'll be a little later this year because Labor Day falls later, so mark your calendars for Saturday, September 12.

See you soon!